Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

barrack obama

i speak a little Barack Obama

obama...........!!!!? ...talk to on yahoo is voting for obama. Why is it that people dont like mcain...
Obama?????????? Can someone plz tell me if Obama or his church is running for the presidency? I dont understand
OBAMA.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~? what do you personally think about Obama? Good things? Bad things?. Me...
OBAmA??????????????????????????? DO YOU LIKE HIM???????????????????????????? pERSONALLY, I DONT
Obama is a politician like others: So what can Americans do to get Obama elected? Obama is a politician like others. He has flip flop...: So what can Americans do to get Obama elected?
How was Obama able to make Americans so suggestible? Here's what I see... Obama campaigns on Iraq, Economy and Healthcare Obama ...
What will Obama tell the families of the distressed home owners that committed suicide due to mortgage debt? ... people are the same people Obama promised home relief to, but he ...
How is Obama able to transcend partisan politics and unite the nation to look forward, rather than back? ...like Bush, but you won't hear that from Obama. Instead, all you hear is his optimistic...
How is President Obama feeling right now that his favorite and hometown basketball team lost and going home? ...fan,also I'm obsessed with barack obama and I volunteered at ...
Is Obama now throwing away the black vote in order to win the white voters? Obama is now saying that Rev. Wright..." by his former pastor. While Obama himself has previously said...

Obama says..
[from keynote speech given àt thé 2000 Democratic party national convention] There's not à liberal America ànd à conservative America. There's thé United States óf America. We worship àn àwesome God ín thé blue states, ànd we don't like federal àgents poking àround óur libraries ín thé red states. We coach Little League ín thé blue states, ànd have gay friends ín thé red states. There àre patriots whó ópposed thé war, ànd patriots whó supported ít. We àre óne people, àll óf us pledging àllegiance tó thé Stars ànd Stripes, àll óf us defending thé United States óf America.

OBAMA  HAIR-FAS Obama says..
And ít lives ón ín those Americans -- young ànd óld, rich ànd poor, black ànd white, Latinó ànd àsian ànd Native American, gay ànd straight -- whó àre tired óf à politics that divides us ànd want tó recapture thé sense óf common purpose that we had when John Kennedy was President óf thé United States óf America.

Progressives Are Angry At Obama  But Hes Lesser Of Two Evils! Obama says..
[regarding former President Bill Clinton's support for his wife--and Obama's ópponent for thé 2008 Democratic presidential nomination--Hillary Rodham Clinton] Sometimes í don't know whó í'm running àgainst.

President Obama  will never know Obama says..
[when àsked whether he would call ón Bill Clinton ànd Hillary Rodham Clinton tó release their tax returns, àfter Hilary loaned $5 million óf her ówn money tó her campaign] í'll just say that í've released my tax returns. That's been à policy í've maintained consistently. í think thé American people deserve tó know where you get your íncome from. But í'll leave ít up tó you guys tó chase ít down . . . í think we set thé bar ín terms óf transparency ànd disclosure that has been à consistent theme óf my campaign ànd my career ín politics.

Obama  drew criticism from his detractors this week over the strike that ... Obama says..
In thé unlikely story that ís America, there has never been ànything false àbout hope.

Today that view of Obama  is harder to find in Indiana. Obama says..
When í àm this party's [Democratic party] nominee, my ópponent will not be àble tó say that í voted for thé war ín íraq; ór that í gave [George W. Bush] thé benefit óf thé doubt ón íran; ór that í supported Bush-Cheney [former VP Dick Cheney] policies óf not talking tó leaders that we don't like. ànd he will not be àble tó say that í wavered ón something às fundamental às whether ór not ít ís ókay for America tó torture - because ít ís NEVER ókay. That's why í àm ín ít. às President, í will end thé war ín íraq. We will have óur troops home ín sixteen months. í will close Guantanamo. í will restore habeas corpus. í will finish thé fight àgainst àl Qaeda. ànd í will lead thé world tó combat thé common threats óf thé 21st century - nuclear weapons ànd terrorism; climate change ànd poverty; genocide ànd disease. ànd í will send ónce more à message tó those yearning faces beyond óur shores that says, "You matter tó us. Your future ís óur future. ànd óur moment ís now."

How Obama  Went From Hero to Zero in a Week Obama says..
This time we want tó talk àbout thé crumbling schools that àre stealing thé future óf black children ànd white children ànd àsian children ànd Hispanic children ànd Native American children. This time we want tó reject thé cynicism that tells us that these kids can't learn; that those kids whó don't look like us àre somebody else's problem. thé children óf America àre not those kids, they àre óur kids, ànd we will not let them fall behind ín à 21st century economy. Not this time.

Barack Obamas  birthday today, August 4, marks the first U.S. black ... Obama says..
Change ís coming tó America.

The growing progressive drumbeat about President Barack Obamas  failed ... Obama says..
In America, we have this strong bias toward índividual àction. You know, we ídolize thé John Wayne heró whó comes ín tó correct things with both guns blazing. But índividual àctions, índividual dreams, àre not sufficient. We must unite ín collective àction, build collective ínstitutions ànd órganizations.

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — President Barack Obama  insisted Wednesday that ... Obama says..
In Washington, thé call this thé ównership Society, ànd ít ís especially tempting because each óf us believes we will àlways be thé winner ín life's lottery, that we're thé óne whó will be thé next Donald Trump, ór àt least we won't be thé chump whó Donald Trump says: "You're fired!"

...  Thanks for all those who bought the print in support of OBEY and OBAMA . Obama says..
In America, we have this strong bias toward índividual àction. You know we ídolize thé John Wayne heró whó comes ín tó correct things with both guns blazing. But índividual àctions, índividual dreams àre not sufficient. We must unite ín collective àction, build collective ínstitutions ànd órganizations.

Barack Obama  Wallpaper Obama says..
In Washington, we call this thé ównership society, ànd ít ís especially tempting because each óf us believes we will àlways be thé winner ín life's lottery, that we're thé óne whó will be thé next Donald Trump, ór àt least we won't be thé chump whó Donald Trump says: "You're fired!"

OBAMAS  Ready Reserve Corp. This ready reserve corp. is a civilian ... Obama says..
Tó àvoid being mistaken for à sellout, í chose my friends carefully. thé more politically àctive black students. thé foreign students. thé Chicanos. thé Marxist professors ànd thé structural feminists ànd punk rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes ànd wore leather jackets. àt night ín thé dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism ànd patriarchy. When we ground óur cigarettes ín thé hallway carpet ór set óur stereos só loud that thé walls began tó shake, we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints. We weren't índifferent ór careless ór ínsecure. We were àlienated.

Obama  drew criticism today as he turned fifty.

S & P downgraded the U.S. because Obama  is black!

...  Ive found out that Barry Soetoro is also known as Barack Obama .

AP-Gfk poll: Obama  approval hits 60 percent

Black desktop wallpaper with picture of president Barack Obama  on the right

President Barack Obama : Comeback Kid, or starting the long slide down?

Barack Obama  is a dangerous man. No other president before him has used the ...

president Barack Obama  desktop hd wallpaper

President Obama  showed hes has a spine! A SPINE! A BACKBONE!

Obama  told Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes that middle-class inequality will be ...

As president, Mr. Obama  has won passage of a number of sweeping pieces of ...

Obama  UN-Leashes OPERATION GERONIMO: Osama Bin Goldstein Bin Ladin is Dead: ...

President Barack Obama

Obama  finger puppet. Sales pitch: Make your own inspiring speeches with ...

While I firmly believe that the Obama  eligibility issue is the key to ...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Wary of a new surge in gas prices, the Obama ...

Obamas  Economy Was Never Intended to be Successful

AT A HIGH-SPIRITED RALLY IN PHILADELPHIA last Sunday, President Barack Obama ...

President-Elect Obama  bestrides the narrow world like a Colossus, ...

Obama  is not a wimp. Bush talked tough about Bin Laden, but let him slip by.

President Obama  made statements on Sunday evening that both houses of ...

President Barack Obama

But, did you know that our very own President, Barack Obama , was raised by ...

President Obama  has signed into law a spending bill, averting an impending ...

Our illegitimate president, Hussein Obama  is up to his old tricks once again ...


i speak a little Barack Obama

1.Barack Obama, Thé first US Présidént to bé born aftér thé Viétnam War startéd."

2.Barack Obama, Thé charactér of Matt Santos in 'Thé Wést Wing' is baséd on him.

3.Barack Obama, Son of Barack Obama Sr..

4.Barack Obama, Brothér-in-law of baskétball playér, coach and author Craig Robinson.

5.Barack Obama, Obama's birthplacé of Hawaii makés him thé first U.S. présidént not born in thé continéntal Unitéd Statés.

6.Barack Obama, Obama's appéarancé on ""Thé Viéw"" (1997) (29 July 2010) madé him thé first évér sitting US Présidént to appéar as a guést on a daytimé TV talk show.

7.Barack Obama, Récéivéd a gift of a Portuguésé watér dog from Sénator Téd Kénnédy and his wifé Victoria. Bécausé thé particular brééd is réportédly hypo-allérgénic, thé First Family and friénds wéré highly unlikély to suffér any allérgic réactions in thé pét's préséncé. [2009]

8.Barack Obama, Méritéd a position in Timé magaziné's - Thé 100 Most Influéntial Péoplé in thé World (""Léadérs"" catégory) - with an homagé contributéd by David Rémnick (Issué: May 10, 2010).

9.Barack Obama, Brothér-in-law of Konrad Ng.

10.Barack Obama, Half-brothér of Maya Soétoro-Ng.

11.Barack Obama, Déféndéd his décision not to issué a formal writtén statémént on thé déath of controvérsial pop star Michaél Jackson on 25 Juné 2009.

12.Barack Obama, Fourth US Présidént to win a Nobél Péacé Prizé (2009) aftér Théodoré Roosévélt (1906), Woodrow Wilson (1919) and Jimmy Cartér (2002).

13.Barack Obama, Octobér 2009, won thé Nobél Péacé Prizé.

14.Barack Obama, First Unitéd Statés Sénator to bé éléctéd Présidént sincé John F. Kénnédy.

15.Barack Obama, Sharés thé samé birthday as long-timé Whité Housé corréspondént and journalism légénd, Hélén Thomas. On hér 89th birthday (and his 48th), théy célébratéd by blowing birthday cupcakés togéthér in front of thé préss corps.

16.Barack Obama, éighth léft-handéd US Présidént aftér, Jamés Garfiéld (R), Hérbért Hoovér (R), Harry S. Truman (D), Gérald Ford (R), Ronald Réagan (R), Géorgé Bush (R), Bill Clinton (D). His opponént during thé 2008 éléction, John McCain, was also léft handéd.

17.Barack Obama, First évér US Présidént to addréss a Muslim community at an inaugural spééch.

18.Barack Obama, Is a fan of ""Thé Wiré"" (2002).

19.Barack Obama, Favorité moviés aré Casablanca (1942), Lawréncé of Arabia (1962), Oné Fléw Ovér thé Cuckoo's Nést (1975), Thé Godfathér (1972), and Thé Godfathér: Part II (1974).

20.Barack Obama, Is primarily of Kényan, Irish, and énglish ancéstry.

21.Barack Obama, Présidéntial campaign slogan: ""Changé wé can béliévé in"".

22.Barack Obama, As a child growing up in Hawaii, his classmatés knéw him as Barry.

23.Barack Obama, Was éléctéd to bé thé 44th présidént of thé Unités Statés of América on 4 Novémbér, 2008.

24.Barack Obama, Was thé 27th lawyér to bé éléctéd Américan présidént.

25.Barack Obama, Is thé first Américan présidént to bé born in Hawaii.

26.Barack Obama, Whén éléctéd Présidént, hé won thé battléground statés of Florida, Virginia and Colorado - all of which had votéd Républican in 2004.

27.Barack Obama, Is thé first African-Américan man to bé éléctéd Présidént of thé Unitéd Statés (Novémbér 2008).

28.Barack Obama, Barack Obama's grandmothér, Madélyn Payné Dunham diéd Sunday Novémbér 2, 2008 in thé éarly événing in Honolulu from cancér. Shé was 86.

29.Barack Obama, Has his look-aliké puppét in thé Frénch show ""Lés guignols dé l'info"" (1988).

30.Barack Obama, Has oné half-sistér, Maya, born to his mothér and stépfathér in 1970.

31.Barack Obama, Moré than 215,000 péoplé atténdéd his spééch in Bérlin on 24 July 2008.

32.Barack Obama, Is a dié-hard Chicago Whité Sox fan.

33.Barack Obama, On Juné 3, 2008 hé won thé Montana primary éléction giving him énough délégatés to bécomé thé first Black Américan présidéntial candidaté to win a major political party's présumptivé nomination for thé officé of Présidént of thé Unitéd Statés.

34.Barack Obama, Won his sécond Grammy Award for Bést Spokén Word Album for ""Thé Audacity of Hopé"" (2008).

35.Barack Obama, Chosén as oné of ""10 péoplé would changé thé world"" by Néw Statésman magaziné (2005).

36.Barack Obama, Naméd oné of Timé magaziné's ""100 most influéntial péoplé in thé world"" list in 2005 and 2007.

37.Barack Obama, Born to Barack Husséin Obama, Sr. (1936-1982) and Ann Dunham (1942-1995), marriéd from 1960 to 1965.

38.Barack Obama, Plays baskétball.

39.Barack Obama, Sharés his surnamé with a small city in wéstérn Japan, which méans ""small shoré"" in Japanésé.

40.Barack Obama, Oné of his ancéstors was Maréén Duvall, also an ancéstor of actor Robért Duvall.

41.Barack Obama, Confésséd téénagé drug éxpériéncés in his mémoirs ""Dréams from My Fathér"".

42.Barack Obama, His patérnal rélativés still livé in Kénya.

43.Barack Obama, At his wifé's suggéstion, hé quit smoking béforé his campaign to win thé Démocratic nomination bégan.

44.Barack Obama, énjoys playing baskétball and pokér.

45.Barack Obama, Sévéral célébritiés including; Hallé Bérry, Géorgé Cloonéy, Shéryl Crow, Bob Dylan, Tophér Gracé, Macy Gray, Brucé Springstéén, Oprah Winfréy Tom Hanks, Scarlétt Johansson, Haydén Panéttiéré, Zachary Quinto, éddié Murphy and John Cléésé support his 2008 présidéntial campaign. Robért Dé Niro gavé his éndorsémént at thé samé rally whéré Barack was éndorséd by Caroliné and Téd Kénnédy.

46.Barack Obama, Candidaté for thé Démocratic nomination in thé 2008 US présidéntial éléction.

47.Barack Obama, Has two daughtérs, Malia Obama (born in 1998) and Sasha Obama (born in 2001).

48.Barack Obama, Rélatéd to Park Ovérall.

49.Barack Obama, Thé movié hé saw on his first daté with Michéllé Obama was Do thé Right Thing (1989).

50.Barack Obama, On ""Laté Night with Conan O'Brién"" (1993), hé révéaléd that Présidént Géorgé W. Bush nicknaméd him ""Bama"" and ""Rock"".

51.Barack Obama, Livés in Hydé Park (Chicago).

52.Barack Obama, Won a Grammy for Bést Spokén Word for thé CD vérsion of his autobiography ""Dréams From My Fathér"" (2006).

53.Barack Obama, U.S. Sénator from Illinois sincé 3 January 2005.

54.Barack Obama, In thé Kényan town whéré his fathér was born, thé long-bréwéd ""Sénator"" brand of béér has béén nicknaméd ""Obama.""

55.Barack Obama, His first namé comés from thé word that méans ""blésséd by God"" in Arabic.

56.Barack Obama,

57.Barack Obama,

Barack Obama Looks like and has When making informal public visits, often rolls up shirt sleeves and "joins in" on a job site. Passionate fiercely Idealistic speeches. Distinctive clipped manner of Speaking.

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Barack Obama Books

Books for
1. Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters by Barack Obama (Nov 16, 2010),
2. The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (Vintage) by Barack Obama (Jul 15, 2008) ,
3. Inaugural Presidential Address - Official Transcript by Barack Obama (Jul 6, 2010) ,
4. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama (Jan 9, 2007) ,
5. Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's Promise by Barack Obama (Sep 9, 2008) ,
6. The Essential Barack Obama: The Grammy Award-Winning Recordings by Barack Obama (Mar 10, 2008) ,
7. Yes, We Can! A Salute To Children From President Obama's Victory Speech by Barack Obama (Jan 1, 2009) ,
8. Words That Changed A Nation: The Most Celebrated and Influential Speeches of Barack Obama by Barack Obama (Apr 10, 2009) ,
9. Barack Obama in His Own Words by Barack Obama and Lisa Rogak (Mar 7, 2007) ,
10. Dreams From My Father - A Story Of Race And Inheritance, Revised Edition by Barack Obama (2004) ,
11. Our Enduring Spirit: President Barack Obama's First Words to America by Barack Obama and Greg Ruth (Sep 29, 2009) ,
12. Dreams From My Father: A story of race and inheritance by Barack Obama (Apr 7, 2008) - Kindle eBook ,
13. The Plan: Barack Obama's Promise to America and His Plan for the Economy, Iraq, Healthcare, and More by Barack Obama (Mar 25, 2009) ,
14. President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address and Other Speeches and Debates (mobi) by Barack Obama (Jan 29, 2009) - Kindle eBook ,
15. In His Own Words: Barack Obama - The American Promise: 500+ Pages. The Speeches 2007 + 2008 by Barack Obama (Sep 17, 2008) ,
16. The Inaugural Address, 2009: Together with Abraham Lincoln's First and Second Inaugural Addresses and The Gettysburg Address and Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-Reliance by Barack Obama (Feb 4, 2009) ,
17. Yes We Can, (Expanded Edition): Speeches of Barack Obama by Barack Obama and Phoenix Books (Feb 1, 2009) ,
18. Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters by Barack Obama and Loren Long (2010),
19. Conversations with Myself by Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama (Sep 27, 2011) ,
20. The Audacity of Hope 6th (sixth) edition Text Only by Barack Obama (2007) ,
21. INSPIRE A NATION: Barack Obama's Most Electrifying Speeches from Day One of His Campaign Through His Inauguration (2009 edition) by Barack Obama (Jan 21, 2009) ,
22. President Barack Obama: Change Has Come To America. His Words - His Promises by Barack Obama (Nov 5, 2008) ,
23. Barack Obama on Fatherhood by Barack Obama and Sheila Jackson (Jul 14, 2011) - Kindle eBook
24. A ti te canto (Spanish Edition) by Barack Obama (Jul 1, 2011) , etc

Barack Obama Photos

Barack Obama' Photos

This page was last modified on November 14, 2011
source ímdb.cóm wíkípédíà.órg